Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Goodbye 2013, Hello 2014!

Hello 2014!!! New Years Eve was great. Gennavieve, Andrew and myself spent the evening doing fireworks and wondering where in the heck 2013 went. My family does New Years BIG! I really missed being home and we aren't planning on missing it next year. 

 Thanks to Handy Andy's skills at "selfies" we were able to get a fun snapshot of the three us of us. Happy New Year!

We all had our favorite type of firework. Gennavieve stuck to the SPARKLERS but was still pretty unsure why I was letting her play with fire. No words needed. The picture says it all. 

It didn't take her long to get the hang of it and soon enough it looked more like this. Definitely fun, still a little confused.

Andrews favorite by far was the Roman Candles. He had way too much fun trying to hit the fire hydrant and other things that I will not mention... ;)

My favorite of the fire works were the SMOKE BALLS!! I drew some stuff in the snow which I thought was awesome!!

And another one...

As you can see, we had a BLAST! 

It's tradition for us to come up with New Years resolutions. You always have the typical lose weight, eat healthier etc etc. This year, mine is to blog. Document all the wonderful things we do and have a record to look back on. Wish me luck! Happy New Year! May it be the best one yet!


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